The wrong strategy of Biden’s adtvertisment team and the silent voters in the 2020 US election

David Tanhaei
3 min readNov 2, 2020

Before looking at this, let me tell you a short but true story.
On Facebook, I saw my friend’s photo in Biden promotional rallies! I had a lot of questions, based on my own knowledge and even last week’s talk about who to vote for, given the issue of security and taxes, it was his definite vote for Trump.
I sent a message and waited for his answer, I received a call on WhatsApp and he talked about something bad that happened to him.

At a company in Silicon Valley, when it comes to the US election.
He jokingly says that he will vote for Trump, that a very bad atmosphere is happening to him and that he feels threatened about his working life.
One of his colleagues, who happened to be attacked during the meeting, says to him: You do not have wisdom? Why did you say that? You have to compensate, you may lose your job?

This friend of ours is forced to go to Biden rallies and post several photos on Facebook to neutralize the negative atmosphere created against him, but …*.

But why did I tell this story?
Let’s take a brief look at Biden’s team strategy.

Biden’s main strategy focused on several subject.

1- Showing stupid and illiterate Trump supporters
2- Beating the low level in terms of living space (rural) and extending it to all Trump supporters
3- Inducing the racism of Trump supporters
4- Raising the cost of supporting Trump through the media and careful planning.(This topic will be a long article)

But in this article, we will focus on case 4.

But what happened?
In election planning or business against any rival attack, you must have the right response, and also if you carry out an attack, you must also anticipate the defense of your opponents.

This is one of the most basic business or election campaigns that I am sure all campaign teams are aware of.
But what happened in this election?

So when it came to analyzing campaign information, the answer to every move in planning was only one answer: campaign success.

But in the depth and reality of the story, other things were happening, Trump’s team, relying on Biden’s team’s weaknesses, had started small but regular and targeted shots.

Examples of that are ads for blacks, ads for housewives, ads for unemployed people, and many other things that can make a really good and accurate training class. (I will write later)

Just when Biden’s team is asleep and in a beautiful dream.

Going back to the beginning of this article, there are hundreds of thousands of people like my friend who, if it was clear why they are interested in Trump and what is attractive in Trump, could have changed the vote of this silent group in favor of Biden with targeted advertisement and planning.

In any case, whether they win or Trump wins, Trump’s advertisement team has been very strong and successful, and if they win, they will be rewarded for their hard work and careful planning.

But let me list a few very briefly.
1. Using the same wave of advertising without personality diversity, unlike Biden, where every group from the wealthy actor to the left was active in his advertising campaign.
2- Using the dichotomy of corrupt media and accurate awareness of people’s distrust of public media
3- Using the recent riots
4- Trump’s great energy and militant spirit
5. Talk to people in their own language (other people do not trust people who use beautiful sentences and books that I will write more in the future)

* My friend has a doctorate in artificial intelligence.

* Last week’s article was written in another language.

* If it does not have a proper translation, it is because I have just started writing in English.



David Tanhaei

Product owner&manager-social media analyze and startup mentor. I’m here to learn and share my experience.